
A time-based 2D platformer
Project Background
Bored one afternoon, some online friends and I decided it would be fun to host a small game jam for ourselves. The randomized theme was "Mix two incompatible genres." My team struggled to find a good pair until our sound designer and pixel artist suggested that we mix the time-based mechanic from SUPERHOT with a 2D platformer. Inside of about a week, we finished the game and it was time to submit. It was my first experience making a Unity Game and I was the sole programmer but it was surprisingly playable and, among the 3 teams, we won!
Why Does This Game Matter?
Though I had first introduced to Python when I was about 10, I hadn't touched it much since then. I always wanted to code but I never had any ideas for projects I could work on to learn. Skeletime was my first experience with code in about 5 years. This was thee start of my large dive into programming and software/web development. I made many more small projects in Unity and eventually moved to making web apps for friends and Arduino scripts for my new job.